Robert J Kates
Boston Family Law Practice

Kates and Barlow is a respected family law practice in Boston. Esteemed attorneys Robert Kates and Peter Barlow are partners.

Kates & Barlow PC
21 Custom House St
Boston MA 02110
Tel: 617 412-4201
Fax: 617 412-4211

Experience and Expertise:

* Negotiating and drafting complex divorce, post-marital, premarital, cohabitation and paternity agreements;

* Litigating cases involving the valuation of residential and commercial real estate; the valuation of interests in closely-held corporations, partnerships and other entities; the validity and enforceability of prenuptial agreements; the treatment of pre-marital, inherited and gifted property; and all aspects of alimony and child support, including attribution of income;

* Representing public figures in divorce, modification and paternity matters;

* Appearing before the Massachusetts Appeals Court and Supreme Judicial Court;

* Handling high conflict custody disputes and child removal actions.
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