David E Cherny
Atwood & Cherny has received national recognition as one of the leading family law firms in the country. Founded in 1984 by partners Jacob M. Atwood and David E. Cherny, the firm concentrates its practice in the area of sophisticated matrimonial matters.
Atwood & Cherny
101 Huntington Ave - 25th Floor
Boston MA 02199
Tel: 617 262-6400
Fax: 617 421-9482
E-mail: info@atwoodcherny.com
The Boston, Massachusetts divorce and family law firm of Atwood & Cherny, PC is a nationally recognized family law firm concentrating in sophisticated matrimonial/divorce law matters including negotiation and drafting of separation, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements; trials and appellate work in divorce, custody and post-trial modification matters. The firm also offers other services and representation in alternative dispute resolution (mediation, collaborative law and arbitration); serving as court appointed masters, conciliators and guardian ad litems.
This team of Massachusetts divorce lawyers will assist you in matters relating to your divorce or family law matter.
